What is the FCE?

The Functional Capacity Exam (FCE) evaluates an employee's ability to perform their job tasks. The software analyzes the injured employee's health status, needs and restrictions, degree of impairment, and ability to return to work. It easily detects malingering and symptom magnification. The detail-rich FCE report delivers scientifically determined, accurate assessment of the individual's health and capabilities.

Return to Work Safely

If your employee seeks disability, request retraining benefits, or claims injury, rely on the comprehensive FCE report to make safe and accurate determinations. The FCE can easily determine an individual's functional restrictions, need for other medical treatments, and proper steps for rehabilitation. It can even identify baseline skills that may be transferrable to another line of work.

Reports that Hold Up in a Court of Law.
The FCE report is a legally defensible document you can stand behind confidently. Extensive footnotes and quantitative data make it rock-solid in court.

Easily Identify Malingering.
The FCE measures minute changes in muscle fatigue, heart rate, and more to assess if a participant may be exaggerating their pain or inability to work.

Rigorous. Comprehensive. Peer-Reviewed.
The FCE report is quantitative and rooted in peer-reviewed research. It measures every physical factor from grip strength to sit-stand tolerance. No guesswork involved? Just a report you can trust.

Heart Rate Response Method The FCE monitors the participant's heart rate to ensure they are trying their hardest during testing. A 35-50% increase indicates the participant demonstrated maximal effort.

Isometric Validity Tests

The FCE measures the participant's consistency of strength. Tests will show muscle fatigue with repeated strain, indicating maximal effort. Inconsistent readings indicate sub-maximal effort.

Psychometric Questionnaires

The FCE screens participants with questions and drawings to determine their level of perceived pain and functional limitations. Inconsistencies in the participant's responses indicates malingering.

Organic vs. Non-Organic Pain Behaviors

The FCE utilizes standardized scientific tests to determine whether the participant's exhibited pain behaviors follow normal or abnormal musculoskeletal and neurological patterns.

Observation Methods

The FCE accounts for observations of signs of strain, allowing the evaluator to differentiate between maximal and sub-maximal effort with a high degree of reliability and validity.